Muhammad Maaz Adnan

Muhammad Maaz Adnan

Muhammad Maaz Adnan is a seasoned mentor whose passion for education and dedication to nurturing young minds shine through his diverse teaching experiences. Currently, at IBA University, he serves as an Assistant Teacher under the guidance of Dr. Baber Ahmed Qureshi.

His tenure at Peace International School as an O Level Physics Teacher further enriched his teaching repertoire, allowing him to tailor his approach to different curricula and student needs. Additionally, his role as a Physics Teacher at CORE aptitude and career counseling institute underscores his commitment to empowering students beyond the classroom, providing them with invaluable guidance for their academic and professional journeys. Through his multifaceted roles, Muhammad Maaz Adnan continues to inspire and mentor countless students, leaving a lasting impact on their educational and personal development.

Physics Lecturer Educational Videos Motivational Speaker