Steve Sherman

Steve Sherman

Chief Imagination Officer and Executive Day Dreamer
He teaches a few thousand students weekly around the world. He feels that it is his destiny to spread the joy of mathematics, science, space, engineering, edtech, numbers, problem solving and creative thinking to anyone who is willing to listen and even to those who are not.
He is also the outreach officer for the annual Humans to Mars Summit, coordinator of one of the world’s largest maths Olympiads, Chief organiser of the annual Living Maths Space Tour and one of only 2 Skype Master Teachers in South Africa.
He knows Karate, Ju-jitsu and 2 other Japanese words and he has a black belt in buffet.

2020 Global Teacher AwardExecutive Member of the Global Education Network2 x TEDx SpeakerMicrosoft Global Connector (formerly known as Skype Master Teacher)Microsoft Innovator Educator ExpertMote Certified EducatorVerified Kahoot Academy Educator and Kahoot AmbassadorSpace Foundation’s International Teacher Liaison


Cosmic Innovators

0 Students
10 weeks

Living Maths Grade 6 – Grade 8

4 Students
6 weeks

Living Maths Grade 4 – Grade 5

1 Student
6 weeks

Loving Maths Grade (R)K – Grade 3

0 Students
6 weeks